COVID-19 Case Distribution

This project is a visualization of the COVID-19 cases in India as well as around the world. Having such a representation could be useful to gain quick insights about the current situation and reveal relevant patterns. A major inspiration that helped start this project is the coronavirus infographic datapack published by the team at Many infographics around the internet portray the situation in various creative ways and this one is a minimalist take on them. The dataset for the 'India' visualization is sourced from COVID19-India API, which is a volunteer-driven, crowd-sourced database for COVID-19 stats & patient tracing in India. The dataset for the 'Worldwide' visualization is sourced from covid_19_jhu_data_web_scrap_and_cleaning, on GitHub. Their data sources include worldometers and Johns Hopkins University. Both these datasets are being updated frequently which in-turn updates the visualization here. Links to all sources can be found in the 'Links' page.